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The Task!

Your goal in this puzzle is to answer the following questions using the results from the sporcle quiz linked below. BEFORE YOU START, read the following notes:

  1. If you don't want to run out of time and get spoiled on the quiz, click the arrow by the word TIMER on the right side of the screen and change the timer to a STOPWATCH. If you keep the timer option, you can pause the quiz, but if you click the pause button, the audio will stop playing.
  2. This quiz is open internet, but it's more fun to wrack your brain to try to figure out the name of the song :)
  3. The ads on this site aren't tooo bad (they won't pop up and stop you from doing your quiz), but to avoid them altogether, would recommend turning on an ad-blocker

The Instructions!

Quiz Instructions:

  1. Hit "PLAY" and play the embedded video.
  2. As the songs play, type in their titles in the text box. Usually words like "a" and "the" etc. are ignored (it's fine if you don't type them), and alternative titles like "A Little Bit of" for Mambo No. 5 would be accepted, but sometimes it's a bit finicky. Spelling is also important, so if you're sure you're right, double check for typos.
  3. As you answer the questions in the quiz, song titles and their artists will populate in the grid below.
  4. You don't have to go in order. You can pause and play the actual video that is playing the music to stop and think or skip around.
  5. The answers on Sporcle are in alphabetical order. The clues here are not.

Would HIGHLY recommend to try to do this one in a group -- it's way more fun!

Here's the link, enjoy!

Pop Jukebox 2017 (Clips) Quiz (

Use the answers of the quiz to decode the following message:

  1. 3A1, 4A1, 29S8, 1S7, 6S2, 18A1, 27S1
  2. Word in songs 16, 18, 19, and 40
  3. 13A9, 15S1, 8S6, 5S1, 11S1
  4. 7S1, 1S1, 32S4, 39A2

The solution for this puzzle is the above, with no whitespace, all lowercase.